Thursday, October 31, 2019

LOGIC Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

LOGIC Assignment - Essay Example As pointed out by King in his speech, the United States gave ample support to France when the Vietnamese led by Ho Chi Minh struggled for liberty from the French. The United States’ support suggests that the liberty of the Vietnam people was not in the interest of the United States government. Indeed, this fact was further buttressed when the United States government declined to recognize the independence of Vietnam even after the French has been defected. Given the support given by the United States government to the French and the role the former play after the defect of the later by the Ho Chi Minh led revolution, it is, indeed, hypocritical for Americans to play the role of liberator of the Vietnam people. This argument by Martin Luther King was reliable. King was, however, guilty of hasty generalization when he mentioned that those who question his opposition to war â€Å"do not know the world in which they live† (American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank). In this fal lacious argument, King claimed that by questioning his opposition to war, these individuals were ignorant of who he, King, is and therefore they are ignorant of the world in which they live.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Discovery of the Structure of DNA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Discovery of the Structure of DNA - Essay Example DNA consists of two strands, each composed of certain sugars and phosphates. The two strands wind around each other in a spiral, much like the two sides of the ladder wind around each other. Linking the two strands together are certain chemical elements called amines or bases arranged in a particular pattern. The rungs of the rubber ladder would be like these chemical links," (Ciccarelli p.252). An understanding of DNA is a fundamental necessity in understanding what it is that makes us who we are. Not the acts which we commit, but really who were imbedded in the core of ourselves. Ultimately, the genetic design of us as human beings is what truly the history book is as it comes to humans and what makes them who they are. Structural DNA is described as, "Some regions of chromosomes remain highly condensed, tightly coiled, and untranscribed throughout the cell cycle. Called constitutive heterochromatin, these portions tend to be localized around the centromere, or located near the ends of the chromosome, at the telomeres," (Johnson p.387). After Rosalind Franklin's use of x-ray technology as it came to DNA, the world would be introduced to two gentlemen by the names of James Watson and Francis Crick. "Learning informally of Franklin's results before they were published in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick, two young investigators at Cambridge University, quickly worked out a likely structure for the DNA molecule (figure 14.10), which we now know was substantially correct. They analyzed the problem deductively, first building models of the nucleotides, and then trying to assemble the nucleotides into a molecule that matched what was known about the structure of DNA. They tried various possibilities before they finally hit on the idea that the molecule might be a simple double helix, with the bases of two strands pointed inward towards each other, forming base-pairs," Elaborating further that, "In their model, base pairs always consist of purines, which are large, pointing toward pyrimidines, which are small, keeping the diameter of the molecule a constant 2 nanometers. Because the hydrogen bonds can form between the bases in a base-pair, the double helix is stabilized as a duplex DNA molecule composed of two antiparallel strands, one chain running 3' to 5' and the other 5' to 3'. The base pairs are planar (flat) and stack 0.34 nm apart as a result of hydrophobic interactions, contributing to the overall stability of the molecule," (Johnson p.287). "The Watson-Crick model explained why Chargaff had obtained the results he had: in a double helix, adenine forms two hydrogen bonds with thymine, but it will not form hydrogen bonds properly with cytosine. Similarly, guanine forms three hydrogen bonds properly with thymine. Consequently, adenine and thymine will always occur in the same proportions in any DNA molecule, as will guanine and cytosine, because of this base-pairing," (Johnson p.287). Just as any scientist needs to do in order to prove their theory; Crick and Watson set out to do just that. "In late February of 1953, Crick and Watson built a model out of tin established the general structure of DNA. This structure explained all the known chemical properties of DNA, and it opened the door to understanding its biological functions. There have been minor amendments to that first published structure, but its

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Marxist Theory on Fake News and Media Propaganda

Marxist Theory on Fake News and Media Propaganda Fake News, Propaganda and Media Bias: An illusion of the truth? The internet has revolutionised the way information is presented and consumed. The traditional newspaper, for example, is no longer the main medium of news coverage. This therefore, has meant that mass media, in general, has had to find new ways of creating money. As a result, one could argue, that the ‘news’ is not objective but rather socially manufactured through a selective process. Events happen, but this doesn’t automatically mean that they will make the headlines or the news coverage at all. As a result, one could argue that the media is biased and is altered to represent certain views and ideologies. The concept of fake news and the deliberate misleading and deceptive information presented in the media could take the form of propaganda. As a society we have become more media saturated but are these agencies of communication, we refer to as mass media, transmitting an illusion of the truth? One could argue that the ‘news’ is socially constructed and as McQuail noted, it is not objective or impartial (McQuail, 1998). The reality is that the ‘news’ is socially manufactured as a result of a selective process carried out by gatekeepers : the editors, journalists and proprietors. This leaves room for media bias as the news is essentially influenced by a group or individuals own opinions and judgements. The news is not just simply a collection of facts but rather a collection of knowledge made up of information which is ‘loaded’ reflecting an interpretation. The process of selection, one could argue, is influenced by organizational constraints, values of media outlets and ideology. This links directly to the Marxist theory: that the news is fabricated and is an ideological apparatus which helps maintain power. Media outlets shape the ‘news’ and as a result we get injected, like the hypodermic syringe model suggests, with ideas that may be an illusion of the truth. As Miliband noted the media shapes how we think about the world we live in (Miliband, 1976) therefore if media bias is influencing the news, important issues like poverty, which show weakness in the capitalist system, are likely to be concealed. In contrast, media outlets are constantly providing us with information regarding political, financial and industrial states, for example recently: the benefits of Brexit, which reinforces corporate values. For example, during the EU referendum, media outlets helped broadcast the idea that the  £350 million sent to the EU weekly would be used to help the NHS instead, if voters opted to vote Brexit. However, after the referendum, the Brexit leaders decided to abandon the pledge (The Guardian, 2017). This case clearly demonstrates exploitation through misleading the public, as the NHS was a topic that they felt strongly about. This was a major political change, Marx would argue that the media transmitted the conservative ideology here in the interests of the elite. This could also be classified as a case of propaganda. As Herman and Chomsky noted the media participating in propaganda campaigns is nothing new (Herman and Chomsky, 1988). Taking this into account, one could argue that the media purposefully selected facts â€Å"designed to deceive us† (Brennen, 2017) and encourage Brexit. The media is dependent on the government and businesses as sources of information. These overlapping interests mean there is a certain degree of solidarity between them, as Highfield notes the personal and political are highly interlinked (Highfield, 2016), which means the effect was inevitable. Furthermore, analysing the headlines and news coverage, there seems to be a pattern where certain events are reported more than others, which reinforces the idea that media outlets choose what makes the ‘news’. For example, recently we got continuous reports and headlines which revolved around Hurricane Harvey which had a death toll of eighty-two (Moravec and Moravec, 2017). On the other hand, the floods near Sierra Leones capital, Freetown, Africa were hardly reported, even though the death toll was over three hundred (BBC News, 2017). The ethics can undoubtedly be questioned here, the two events occurred at similar times so why was one reported more than the other? This relates to Spencer-Thomas’s (Owen Spencer-Thomas, 2017) idea of â€Å"news values† where the guidelines for what is considered ‘newsworthy’ come into play. The Freetown floods it could be debated were not as significant as Hurricane Harvey, and consequently didn’t make the headlines. Alternatively, it could be argued that the media is not biased but rather like every other cooperation in society, works within the hierarchal structure conforming to the requirements which bring reward (Curran and Seaton, 2010). Media outlets are businesses essentially thus need people to invest to generate revenue. Therefore, rather than being biased and promoting fake news, it could be argued that media outlets actually focus and tailor the content based on their audiences. For example, Five News is characterized by short, snappy bulletins aimed at a young audience. In contrast, The Guardian has detailed articles which are aimed at more qualified professionals. Furthermore, to succeed, media outlets have now had to intensify media strategies to compete with cybermedia organisations (Williams and Tapscott, 2014). Considering this, it could be argued that media outlets choose the most important stories as a way of fulfilling users’ needs and their own profit interests(Fuchs, 2014), online. This links with the concept of ‘clickbaiting’ which is used by media outlets to attract audiences to ideas which appeal to them.   Postmodernists, would argue that media outlets are a channel to promote consumption rather than propaganda. They tailor and direct certain information towards certain people in the hopes of increasing revenue through advertisements. The increasing diversity of choice, globalisation and social media has resulted in a variety of influences shaping our identities. One could argue, that users are not exploited, as Fuchs notes, users voluntarily choose to use platforms (Fuchs, 2014). Marx’s theory can be criticised for presenting users as passive rather than active participants. The idea that there has been a â€Å"cultural shift away from the self-conscious user towards the subject as docile† (Lovink, 2016) can be debated. The revolution of the internet has meant that people can actively challenge the media, social media has become a â€Å"weapon of mass collaboration† (Williams and Tapscott, 2014). Therefore, it could be argued that fake news is a thing of the past, with social media flooding with different perspectives there has been, as Mason notes, an increase in individual freedom and human consciousness. The evidence lies in the streams of social media comments which critically challenge a piece of ‘news’.   From one perspective, it could be stated that social media has helped a digital revolution to occur where the masses have finally gained a voice and power. Moreover, it could be claimed that people choose which news stories to believe thus fake news can only exist if people allow it to be. Audiences receive and interpret the ‘news’ and as a result, not everyone will be affected in the same way. Consequently, if media outlets are promoting propaganda there is a very small chance that everyone will be misled. People tend to read and seek out information that interests them and confirms their existing views (Festinger, 1962). Taking this into account, one could argue that the media is just a scapegoat for media bias and fake news. The reality could be in fact that media bias and fake news is affected and created depending on a range of psychological and social factors, it may not be bias but rather unconscious nature. Without question, the media plays a major role in society today, whether it be influential or informative. Media technologies may not be the â€Å"contemporary opiates of the people† as Maxwell and Miller (Maxwell and Miller, 2012) suggest but the validity and objectivity of media outlets can undeniably be questioned. The ‘news’ is affected by a range of factors and it is impossible for it to be completely objective. This may not necessarily make it propaganda but rather a certain opinion. Media outlets need to generate revenue and therefore, media bias may be a method of tailoring articles towards audiences rather than intentionally ignoring incidents because of capitalist control and deliberate misinformation. On the other hand, the ‘news’ is essentially a root of information, consequently we should receive an equal coverage of incidents, like Hurricane Harvey and the Sierra Leone floods, so that one incident is not seen as more significant. It could also be argued that media outlets should stay neutral in political campaigns like the EU referendum, as it is very easy to misinform and mislead readers. However, the effect of misinformation can be oversimplified, as seen in the Marxist theory. People are not passive and critically challenge the ‘news’ and even play an active role in providing the ‘news’, as social media has given everyone the freedom to transmit information. The different perspectives, as a result, diminish the effect of fake news and allow us to assemble narratives and interpretations for ourselves. Consequently, there can only be an ‘illusion of truth’ if we allow there to be.    References BBC News. (2017).  Sierra Leone mudslides kill hundreds. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2017]. Brennen, B. (2017). Making Sense of Lies, Deceptive Propaganda, and Fake News.  Journal of Media Ethics, 32(3), pp.179-181. Curran, J. and Seaton, J. (2010).  Power without responsibility. London: Routledge. Festinger, L. (1962).  A theory of cognitive dissonance. California: Stanford University Press. Fuchs, C. (2014).  Digital labour and Karl Marx. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, pp.254, 257, 280. Herman, E. and Chomsky, N. (1988).  Manufacturing Consent. New York: Pantheon Books. Highfield, T. (2016).  Social media and everyday politics. [S.l.]: Polity Press, p.3. Lovink, G. (2016).  Social media abyss. Cambridge, UK: Polity, p.5. Maxwell, R. and Miller, T. (2012).  Greening the media. New York: Oxford University Press. McQuail, D. (1998).  Mass communication theory. London: Sage. Miliband, R. (1976).  The state in capitalist society. London: Quartet Books. Moravec, E. and Moravec, E. (2017).  Texas officials: Hurricane Harvey death toll at 82, ‘mass casualties have absolutely not happened’. [online] Washington Post. Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2017]. Owen Spencer-Thomas. (2017).  News values Owen Spencer-Thomas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2017]. The Guardian. (2017).  Brexit camp abandons  £350m-a-week NHS funding pledge. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Williams, A. and Tapscott, D. (2014).  Wikinomics. New York: Portfolio, p.3.

Friday, October 25, 2019

No Steroids In Baseball :: Steroids Athletes Drugs Sports Essays Papers

In baseball there has always been a steroid issue. In the years since 2005 the problem has expanded. Many more players are now using these drugs to boost their performance. I think that steroids are products that should be absolutely illegal and no player at any time should be able to use them. Steroids are drugs commonly classified as anabolic, androgenic and corticosteroids. Corticosteroids like cortisone are drugs used to control inflammation, and do not build muscle. Anabolic steroids are used by athletes to bulk up and improve their performance. Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that cause the body to produce muscle and prevent muscle breakdown. Some athletes take steroids hoping that it will improve their ability to run faster, hit farther, jump higher, etc. Some people are not aware that anabolic steroids are a form of a drug. In the United States, it is against the law to use these steroids without a prescription. In many sports the issue of steroids has always been huge. Recently, mainly in baseball many players have been tested for steroids, and many are results are positive. These punishments have been mere warnings and suspensions to the players. The first player to ever admit to using any type of anabolic steroid was Ken Caminiti, he admitted to using steroids after he retired in his 14th season. He said that in his 9th season in the majors was when he was first influenced to take performance-enhancing drugs. He was a 3 time All-Star, won the MVP award in ‘96, got 3 gold gloves and 1 silver slugger award. After he retired in 2001 he finally admitted to using steroids. About three years later on October 10th 2004 Caminiti died due to a drug problem because of the use of steroids and cocaine. Caminiti had said that he made tons of mistakes. One being an alcoholic and the other using cocaine, But he did not say using steroids was a mistake. After Caminiti’s death many major league players were highly influenced, and stopped using steroids. But there are 30 major leagues teams and each team has 25 players on the active roster, 40 on the regular roster. So if you multiply 30 by 25 then you get 750 baseball players just on the active roster. So even if Caminiti scared a bunch of players there is a bunch of people who still use steroids. Some of the most recent players that have been convicted are giants slugger Barry Bonds, and New York Yankees 1st baseman Jason Giambi.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Energy Drinks Essay

Something I learned in my last Health class is the ever-increasing use of today’s new â€Å"Energy Drinks. † Caffeine is the single most used drug in America. How many of us must have that morning cup of coffee before heading out the door? How many college students are staying up late at night preparing for a mid-term or final exam by drink these new, all natural, safe, energy drinks? You may want to read their labels and adjust your thinking. You may want to include a little research in regards to these drinks. At this time there is no long-term research to report on in regards to energy drinks. What we do know is that these drinks have a variety of ingredients such as ginseng, amino acids, ginkgo, various vitamins, and high amounts of sugar. However, the primary active energy ingredient is caffeine. At this time, the FDA does not regulate the amounts of caffeine that are in these drinks. They suggest that within a 12-ounce beverage serving the amount of caffeine should be 68 milligrams or less. A report published by the Journal of Analytical Toxicology showed that of ten of the most popular energy drinks had as high as 141 milligrams in one 16-ounce serving. The following 12-ounce energy drinks showed, Monster at 120 milligrams, Red Bull at 116 milligrams, and Amp contained 107 milligrams of caffeine. To give a comparison, look at Coke and Pepsi. They only contain between 34 to 38 milligrams of caffeine. Energy drinks have risen significantly in popularity in the last few years with revenues exceeding $3. 5 billion a year and growing. One report states that with the new found popularity there are growing concerns of the possible health effects among children, adolescents, and young adults. It states that 30 to 50 percent of America drinks energy drinks. Of this amount they report that one third are from the ages of 12 to 24 consume these beverages on a daily basis. Due to these beverages being chilled makes them easier to consume quickly. High doses of caffeine have been linked to seizures, cardiac problems, mood or behavioral disorders, and diabetes. Additionally, these problems have been linked specifically to the consumption of energy drinks among children, teens, and young adults. There has been a growing concern amongst the medical community, parents, and school officials in regards to these energy drinks on our youth. Numerous reports are being found to the adverse affects these high caffeine drinks are responsible for. The Illinois Poison Control Center reported in a recent survey of more than 250 cases of caffeine overdose in a three-year period. The average age of these accounts was 21. A doctor from California reports that an eighteen year young man received treatment for an abnormal heart rhythm after consuming eight 16-ounce energy drinks per evening to remain alert during his night job. Another growing concern is the use of these energy drinks as a mixer with alcohol. A study from 2006 showed that the individuals surveyed were just as impaired in motor coordination and reaction time as individuals drinking alcohol alone. As stated earlier, there is not much evidence on the effects of long-term use of caffeine on children or teenagers. It is known that it can create physiological and psychological dependence in adults. This being true, we must do everything possible to protect our children from these non-regulated beverages. We need to insist on more research to be conducted in order to better inform the public of the consequences of the consumption of these highly-caffeinated energy drinks and the adverse effects they have on our youth. (Word Count 606) Flores, D. (2011, 03 16). Health Effect of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Retrieved 07 12, 2012, from ArticlesBase. com: http://www. articlesbase. com/wellness-articles/health-effects-of-energy-drinks-on-children-adolescents-and-young-adults-4423299. html.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson Presidency

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both made their mark on United States history as presidents. One president was a wild, violent â€Å"Rough Rider† who was also insecure. The other was a deeply religious, sentimental traditionalist who stood firmly on his ground. Both presidents made changes in American life, whether it be business or social. By examining domestic policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, one can see that although they differed greatly, both were effective presidents. Theodore Roosevelt was a sickly child. His father helped him train to overcome his debilitation, and set him on his way to be a â€Å"Rough Rider. Woodrow Wilson†s father was a Presbyterian minister, and his mother a daughter of one; they instilled a stolid set of morals that Woodrow Wilson carried with him his whole life. Both presidents came from socially secure backgrounds that gave them distinguishing characteristics. Both presidents, however, dramatically changed their public view to support the ideals of the common man in America. Theodore Roosevelt started off his presidency say that he â€Å"shall go slow† in the process of investigating large corporations. He was insecure, afraid that some of his policies upset the corporations. However, as his terms went on, the president gained a reputation for being a Progressive. According to Hofstadter, â€Å"[Reform] was meant to heal only the most conspicuous sores on the body politic. † Roosevelt wrote that he did not know what, if anything, should be done about trusts. The main reason he distrusted and despised bigness in business was because he was a â€Å"big politician facing a strong rival in the business of achieving power. † Roosevelt proposed reforms and blasted dishonesty in business with â€Å"the showiest language that had ever been used in the White House. His use of language caused the public image of him to be a reformer and it contributed real weight to that side. However, Roosevelt did do his share of trust busting. A brilliant stroke of publicity was the prosecution of the Northern Securities Company. A gigantic railroad monopoly in the Northwest was organized, and Roosevelt had practically no choice but to prosecute; the public branded him the reputation of being a major reformer. Woodrow Wilson was the president of Princeton University. He gained large support, and was approached by Boss Jim Smith and his associates to run for New Jersey governor. Wilson accepted and decided he could cooperate with them on righteous terms. Progressives started to complain almost immediately. The Hoboken Observer wrote against Wilson, saying that he was â€Å"induced to enter the race by a combination of the very elements which the Progressives are fighting . . . and these elements have assumed charge of his candidacy. † He responded by changing to please the people. It had been necessary to please the capitalists and the bosses to get a foothold in politics, but now it seemed that he must enter the governorship â€Å"with absolutely no pledges of any kind. † Wilson became a spokesman for the common man. When the people had expressed preference for a man running for the Senate, Wilson opposed the Bosses by endorsing the man the people wanted instead of the man that would have won. Wilson did not let his private obligations override his public ones. He believed in principles over personality, and the man became increasingly stronger as a reformer. Endorsement of the progressive creed by Wilson created a break with his original sponsor when running for president, and a complete change in his support followed after he dumped Harvey and befriended Bryan. For both of these presidents, these events show that not only did they change their public image, they also gained popularity by being ambiguous in their speeches and actions; the ambiguity only furthered their popularity. Morals was also a large factor in the two presidencies. The role in which Roosevelt imagined himself was that of a moralist. He told Lincoln Steffens that the real need in American public life was â€Å"the fundamental fight for morality. † Roosevelt told Ray Stannard Baker that although economic issues would become increasingly important, his â€Å"problems are moral problems, and [his] teaching has been plain morality. Woodrow Wilson, the son of the minister and the minister†s daughter, ate, drank and slept morals. The solution to controlling business must be found in a movement of moral regeneration, according to him. Punishment should fall on individuals and not on whole corporations. In one of Wilson†s most frequently used metaphors, the maleficent corporation official was the irresponsible driver of the corporate automobile. He said, â€Å"One really responsible man in jail . . . would be worth more than one thousand corporations mulcted in fines. This contradicts with Roosevelt, who wanted to punish whole corporations, but the same message upholds; morals are the root of the solution, and the main objective is to regulate business by keeping them under the State. Both Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were effective presidents. Theodore Roosevelt persecuted the Northern Securities Company, launching a trust-busting crusade, and he became the first president to intervene in a labor-management dispute when the anthracite coal miners struck. The Hepburn Act strengthened the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission over railroads, and an employer†s liability law were put into action. Woodrow Wilson ‘s administration produced a huge number of achievements. A downward tariff revision was secured, the public controlled the nation†s banking and credit system under the Federal Reserve Act, and farmers were pleased with the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Warehousing Act. The Clayton Act implemented the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and the Federal Trade Commission was created to enjoin what Wilson had called â€Å"illicit competition. † An eight-hour day for railroad workers in interstate commerce, a child-labor act, and a compensation law for Civil Service workers were all created under the Wilson administration. So although Roosevelt and Wilson differed, there effectiveness is clearly present while comparing their domestic policies as presidents.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Health Care in Southeast Asia during the 1500s Essay Example

Health Care in Southeast Asia during the 1500s Essay Example Health Care in Southeast Asia during the 1500s Paper Health Care in Southeast Asia during the 1500s Paper The use of tobacco and bindis in SE Asia are explored with regard to their medicinal, leisure and negative physiological affects in this book. Prakash and colleagues look also to past practices of the use of tobacco and other smoking sticks in this region across history to identify health consequences from a biopsychosocial viewpoint. It is clear that even during the 16th century health practitioners were aware of the life threatening consequences of the use of cigarettes; cancers of the mouth, lung, larynx, pharynx and oesophagus; diseases of the heart, circulatory system and lungs. At this time it was not recognized that if used during pregnancy, smoking in whatever its form would have adverse effects on the fetus. The authors highlight the ongoing economic, agricultural and social importance tobacco and other smoking sticks can have on a nation and individual perceptions of being. Widodo, J. (1996) The urban history of the Southeast Asian coastal cities. Retrieved Widodo evaluates socio-cultural practices of the southern part of the South China rim: Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, which are located at the crossing point for the maritime trade between India and China in the 16th century. Going beyond the general studies which have investigated sociological institutions of this are, Widodo seeks a context to the social value placed on health and delivery of health care services. He is particularly concerned with the way in social practices such as health care changed with a globalizing world. As major cities along the coast (e.g., Tuban, Surabaya, Pattani and Malaka) became centers of the international exchange of goods and services, entreports were created. Noted is the slow adherence to western forms of medicine amongst those in the populace who were especially orthodox in their religious beliefs (i.e., Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist). Leslie, C. M. (1998) Asian Medical Systems: A Comparative Study. Madrid: Motilal Banarsidass Publications. Leslie reviews the age of commerce that existed in SE Asia during the 16th century. He emphasizes the dominance of Arabic and Islamic medicine in the region, noting that India and Pakistan were really the only nations at the time to formally record the specific scientific practices at this time which were interweaved with medicine. Arabic medicine, known as Unani, or â€Å"Greek†, identifies where the Arabic form of medicine was drawn from. Thus Islamic practitioners at the time took over Greek medicine when they were exposed to it at an earlier social age. However, Leslie points out that many orthodox Islamic worshippers refused to endorse this hybrid form of health care. Overall, it is reported in the book that the SE Asian region saw fierce competition amongst the medical practices of the time, with Islamic extremists choosing to adopt practices that they considered were â€Å"sanctioned† by The Prophet. The book also compares the coexistence of the variety of health practices at the time and the influence that large and long established populations such as those of China and India had on medical traditions that were maintained. Importantly, Leslie points out those dietary guidelines about â€Å"hot† and â€Å"cold† foods were abided by the general population to aid digestion and so exhibited social-selection of disease preventing behavior. Amrith, S.S. (2001) Decolonizing international health: India and Southeast Asia, 1930-65.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Top Three Shakespeare Villains

Top Three Shakespeare Villains While Shakespeare is known for penning many heroic monologues from Henry V  to Hamlet, lets turn our attention toward the immortal bards darker nature. Shakespeare has a knack for giving a sharp tongue to his tyrants, traitors, and antagonists. The following is a list of the three most villainous Shakespeare characters along with their best monologues. #1 Iago from Othello Iago is  Shakespeares most sinister (and in some ways most mysterious) character. He is the main antagonist in Othello. He is Othellos ensign and the husband of Emilia, who is the attendant of Desdemona, Othellos wife. A Machiavellian conniver, Othello deeply trusts Iago, and Iago uses this trust to betray Othello while still appearing honest.   Iagos motives also remain a mystery, leading to lengthy debates between theatergoers and Shakespeare scholars alike. While some argue his motivation is to be promoted, others believe Iago enjoys destruction for the sake of it. In Act II Scene III, Iago delivers one of his most villainous monologues  as he reveals his plot to overthrow Othellos sense of reason and trust. He explains his scheme to make it seems as though Othellos wife Desdemona has been unfaithful. Here are some quotes from the monologue that exemplify Iagos manipulative and mysterious nature: And whats he then that says I play the villain?When this advice is free I give and honest.How am I then a villainTo counsel Cassio to this parallel course,Directly to his good?So will I turn her virtue into pitch,And out of her own goodness make the netThat shall enmesh them all. #2 Edmund from King Lear Nicknamed Edmund the Bastard, Edmund is a character in Shakespeares tragedy, King Lear. He is the black sheep of the family, and self-conscious because he believes his father favors the so-called good brother over him. On top of that, Edmund is particularly bitter as he was born out of wedlock, meaning his birth was with someone other than his fathers wife. In Act I Scene II, Edmund delivers a monologue in which he reveals his intention to make a grab for power that will send the kingdom into a bloody civil war. Here are some memorable lines: Why bastard? wherefore base?When my dimensions are as well compact,My mind as generous, and my shape as true,As honest madams issue?Legitimate Edgar, I must have your land.Our fathers love is to the bastard EdmundAs to th legitimate. Fine word- legitimate!Well, my legitimate, if this letter speed,And my invention thrive, Edmund the baseShall top th legitimate. I grow; I prosper.Now, gods, stand up for bastards! #3 Richard from Richard III Before he can ascend to the throne and become king, the hunchbacked Richard, Duke of Gloucester, does a lot of double-crossing and killing first. In one of his more diabolical moves, he attempts to win the hand of Lady Anne, who at first loathes the power-hungry creep but eventually believes him sincere enough to marry. Unfortunately for her, she is completely wrong, as his villainous monologue  in Act I Scene II reveals. The following are excerpts from Richards speech: Was ever woman in this humour wood?Was ever woman in this humour won?Ill have her; but I will not keep her long.Hath she forgot already that brave prince,Edward, her lord, whom I, some three months since,Stabbd in my angry mood at Tewksbury?My dukedom to a beggarly denier,I do mistake my person all this while:Upon my life, she finds, although I cannot,Myself to be a marvellous proper man.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Banning Corporal Punishment in Schools

Banning Corporal Punishment in Schools What is corporal punishment? The National Association of School Nurses defines it as â€Å"the intentional infliction of physical pain as a method of changing behavior. It may include methods such as hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, pinching, shaking, use of various objects (paddles, belts, sticks, or others), or painful body postures. Still Legal in 22  States While corporal punishment such as paddling, spanking and hitting students disappeared from private schools by the 1960s, according to an article published by NPR in December 2016,  it is still permitted in public schools in 22  states, which can be broken down into 7 states that simply dont prohibit it and 15 states that expressly permit it. The following seven states still have laws on their books that do not prohibit corporal punishment: IdahoColoradoSouth DakotaKansasIndianaNew HampshireMaine The following 15 states expressly permit corporal punishment in schools: AlabamaArizonaArkansas  FloridaGeorgiaKentuckyLouisianaMississippiMissouriNorth CarolinaOklahomaSouth CarolinaTennesseeTexasWyoming What is ironic about this situation is that no accredited teachers college in the U.S. advocates the use of corporal punishment. If they dont teach the use of corporal punishment in the classroom, why is the use of it still legal? The United States is the only nation in the western world which still permits corporal punishment in its schools. Canada banned corporal punishment in 2004. No European country permits corporal punishment. So far, the United States Congress has not acted on requests from organizations such as Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union to enact federal legislation banning corporal punishment. Since education is widely viewed as a local and state matter, any further banning of corporal punishment will probably have to occur at that level. If, on the other hand, the federal government were to withhold funding from states where corporal punishment is legal, the local authorities might be more inclined to pass the appropriate laws. Rationale for Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment in one form or another has been around schools for centuries. It certainly is not a new issue. In the Roman Family children learned by imitation and corporal punishment. Religion also plays a role in the history of disciplining children by spanking or hitting them. Many people interpret Proverbs 13:24 literally when it states: Spare the rod and spoil the child. Why Should Corporal Punishment Be Banned? Research has shown that corporal punishment in the classroom is not an effective practice, and can cause more harm than good. Research has also shown that more students of color and students with disabilities experience instances of corporal punishment more than their peers. The research shows that children who are beaten and abused are more likely to be prone to depression, low self-esteem and suicide. The simple fact that corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure is not part of any education curriculum indicates that educators at every level know that it has no place in the classroom. Discipline can and should be taught be example and non-physical consequences. Most leading professional associations oppose corporal punishment in all its forms.  Corporal punishment is not allowed in the military, mental institutions or prisons, either. I learned years ago about corporal punishment from a man who was an expert in the field. I co-founded a high school in Nassau, Bahamas in 1994. As deputy director of the school, one of the first issues I had to deal with was discipline. Dr. Elliston Rahming, the owner and director of the school, was a criminologist. He had very firm views about the subject: there would be no corporal punishment of any kind. We had to find better, more effective ways than beating to enforce discipline. In the Bahamas, beating children was, and still, is an accepted disciplinary method in the home and in the school. Our solution was to develop a Code of Discipline which basically penalized unacceptable behavior according to the severity of the infraction. Everything from dress code to drugs, weapons and sexual infractions was covered. Remediation and resolution, retraining and reprogramming were the goals. Yes, we did get to the point on two or three occasions where we actually did suspend and expel st udents. The biggest problem we faced was breaking the cycle of abuse. What Happens in Americas Private Schools? Most private schools frown on the use of corporal punishment. Most schools have found more enlightened and effective methods for dealing with disciplinary issues. Honor codes and clearly spelled out results for infractions combined with contract law give private schools an edge in dealing with discipline. Basically, if you do something seriously wrong, you will get suspended or expelled from school. You will have no recourse because you have no legal rights other than those in the contract which you signed with the school. Things Parents Can Do What can you do? Write the state education departments of the states which still permit corporal punishment. Let them know that you oppose its use. Write your legislators and urge them to make corporal punishment illegal. Blog about local incidents of corporal punishment whenever appropriate. Organizations Opposed to Corporal Punishment in Schools The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry opposes the use of corporal punishment in schools and takes issue with laws in some states legalizing such corporal punishment and protecting adults who use it from prosecution for child abuse. The American School Counselor Association: ASCA seeks the elimination of corporal punishment in schools. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that corporal punishment in schools be abolished in all states by law and that alternative forms of student behavior management be used. The National Association of Secondary School Principals believes that the practice of corporal punishment in schools should be abolished and that principals should utilize alternative forms of discipline. The National Center for the Study of Corporal Punishment and Alternatives (NCSCPA) tracks information about this subject and puts out updates. It also offers an interesting reading list and other materials. Interview With Jordan Riak Jordan Riak is the Executive Director of Project NoSpank, an organization which is dedicated to the eradication of corporal punishment in our schools. In this article, he responds to some of our questions regarding corporal punishment. How Prevalent is Corporal Punishment in Schools? With the exception of those who are directly affected, most people are unaware that in more than 20  states, teachers and school administrators have the legal right to physically batter pupils. Children are sent home with bruised buttocks daily in untold numbers. There is a downward trend in the number of paddlings annually, which is encouraging, but still a small comfort to victims. Editors note: outdated data has been removed, but recent studies have shown that more than 100,000 students were physically punished in 2013-2014.  But the true numbers are surely higher than the records show. Since the data is supplied voluntarily, and since those reporting arent especially proud of what they are admitting to, under-reporting is inevitable. Some schools decline to participate in the Office for Civil Rights survey. When I inform people of the extensive use of corporal punishment in the schools, they almost invariably react with astonishment. Those who remember the paddle from their own school days tend to assume (erroneously) that its use had long since faded into history. Those who are fortunate enough to have attended schools where corporal punishment wasnt used or who lived in the states where bans were in effect are incredulous when presented with information about its current use. The following anecdote is illustrative. I was invited to address a class of students at San Francisco State University who were preparing to become school counselors. Some in the group already had teaching experience. At the conclusion of my presentation, one of the students- a teacher- opined that surely I was misinformed about the situation in California. Corporal punishment just isnt allowed here and hasnt been for years, she flatly insisted. I knew otherwise. I asked her where she had attended school and in w hich districts she had worked. As I expected, the places she named all had district-wide policies against the use of corporal punishment. She was unaware that in neighboring communities students were being paddled legally. Paddlers dont advertise, and one cant blame her for not knowing. The use of corporal punishment by public school teachers in California became illegal on January 1, 1987. In the United States, there is a long-standing gentlemans agreement between government, the media, and the educational establishment to avoid any mention of teacher violence. Typical of such taboos, adherents not only refrain from entering forbidden territory but come to believe that no such territory exists. An indignant correspondent wrote me the following: In my twenty years as a teacher in Texas, I never saw one student paddled. Strictly speaking, he might have been telling the truth about what he hadnt seen, but its hard to believe he was unaware of what was going on all around him. Recently I heard this on the radio. An author who had written about sports heroes influence as role models on youth was just concluding an interview and was beginning to field listeners calls. One caller recounted his experience at high school where a coach routinely beat up players. He told how one student who had been victimized by the coach later encountered him in public and punched him. The show s host abruptly cut off the call, and said laughingly, Well, there you have the darker side. Sounds like a movie by____ and hastened to the next caller. Rest assured, the United States does not have a monopoly on denial in this regard. At a conference on child abuse in Sydney in 1978, when I raised a question from the floor about why none of the presenters had talked about caning in schools, the moderator replied, It seems the things you want to talk about, Mr. Riak, are not the things we want to talk about. At that same conference, where I had set up a table to distribute anti-corporal punishment literature, a member of the New South Wales education department told me this: The corporal punishment controversy that youve been stirring up here is causing more broken friendships in the department than any other issue I can remember. Caning is no longer legal in Australian schools, and hopefully, old friendships have mended. How Do You Define Corporal Punishment? There never has been, and probably never will be, a definition of corporal punishment that doesnt stir debate. The American College Dictionary, 1953 Edition, defines corporal punishment as physical injury inflicted on the body of one convicted of a crime, and including the death penalty, flogging, sentence to a term of years, etc. The California Education Code, 1990 Compact Edition, Section 49001 defines it as the willful infliction, or willfully causing the infliction of physical pain on a pupil. Proponents of corporal punishment typically define the practice in personal terms, i.e., what they experienced when they were children, and what they now do to their children. Query any spanker on what it means to corporally punish a child and you will hear autobiography. When one attempts to distinguishing corporal punishment from child abuse, the confusion deepens. Lawmakers, as a rule, duck this conundrum. When it is forced on them, they act as though they are walking on eggs as they grope for language doesnt cramp the style of child punishers. Thats why legal definitions of child abuse are models of vagueness- an heroic accomplishment for those trained in the art of exactitude- and a boon to lawyers who defend abusers. School corporal punishment in schools United States typically involves requiring the student to bend forward as far as possible thus making the protruding posterior a convenient target for the punisher. That target is then struck one or more times with a flat board called a paddle. This causes sharp upward jolts to the spinal column accompanied by bruising, soreness and discoloration of the buttocks. Since the locus of impact is close to the anus and genitals, the sexual component of the act is unarguable. Nevertheless, possible adverse effects on the developing sexuality of young victims are ignored. Furthermore, the possibility that certain punishers are using the act as a pretext for gratifying their own perverse sexual appetites is also ignored. When these risk factors are cited, corporal punishment apologists typically dismiss the suggestion with derisive laughter and retorts such as, Oh, comon, please! Gime a break! Forced exercise is one of several unacknowledged forms of corporal punishment. Though the practice is unequivocally condemned by physical education experts, it is widely used, even in states that ban corporal punishment. It is a staple of locked facilities where troubled youth are corralled ostensibly for the purpose of being reformed. Not allowing children to void bodily waste when the need arises is another form of corporal punishment. It is physically and psychologically dangerous in the extreme, but its use against schoolchildren of all ages is ubiquitous. Punitive restriction of movement also qualifies as corporal punishment. When done to incarcerated adults, it is deemed a violation of human rights. When done to schoolchildren, its called discipline. In school environments where buttocks beating is key to student management and discipline, all the myriad lesser insults to which children are prey such as ear twisting, cheek squeezing, finger jabbing, arm grabbing, slamming against the wall and general manhandling are apt to pass unchronicled and unrecognized for what they really are. Article updated by Stacy Jagodowski

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare a commercial film with an auteur film (from the 2000s) Essay

Compare a commercial film with an auteur film (from the 2000s) - Essay Example The events in the while movie spout from this origin as Bruce goes through intense pain and mastery of fear in order to survive the high rate of crime in Gotham City. The same ways, Leonard goes through pain and fear after the death of his wife and undertakes to seek revenge. He goes through tough times, disappointment as he feels the efforts by the police are unfruitful and becomes very frustrated. Just like Bruce, Leonard suffers when seeking revenge as he suffers memory loss and this impedes his struggle to avenge for his wife. Eventually, he gets redemption as he kills the man who killed his wife. This paper seeks to compare the commercial film with an auteur film by focusing on â€Å"Dark knight† and â€Å"memento† both of which are directed by Nolan. â€Å"The Dark Knight† is a commercial film that turned out to be a gigantic blockbuster. The movie was based on a compelling comic book. The movies is set in medias res and revolves around, economic, social and political issues. The setting of the movie is very naturalistic to mirror the society and make the audience identify with the characters. The movie is set in the basement of Gotham police station in an interrogation room. The police station is a reflection of the police dramas and real police stations as he police offices have a desk with lots of files, records and desks. On the other hand, the interrogation room is isolated, grimy and dingy and only contains to chairs, a single metallic table and a lamp. This contrast is sued to show the harsh reality of crime life and to educate the audience of the luxury of freedom. The use of lighting is also important in enhancing the setting of this film. At the beginning of the film, the in interrogation room is very dark and t he joker is shown in a rather dim light that tends to alter his image. On the other hand, the face of Commissioner Gordon is not seen clearly as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Ethics - Essay Example that there is only one right or better way to think about moral problems; â€Å"for example, the same figure can be seen as a square or a diamond, depending on its orientation in relation to a surrounding frame†¦a bird-watcher and a rabbit-keeper are likely to see the duck-rabbit figure in different ways, yet this difference does not imply that one way is better or a higher form of perceptual organization.† (p.229). Gilligan is imperative on the thinking that the conception of the moral domain is comprised of at least two moral orientations, and that these orientations raise new questions about observed differences in moral judgment and the disappointments to which they give rise. Factors such as the necessary distinction between differences in developmental stage and differences in orientation are strong issues in her discussion, and it is stated pronouncedly that her research on moral orientation derives from an observation which was made in the course of studying the relationship between moral judgment and action. Gilligan also speaks strongly about the issue of abortion, explaining that the language of the public abortion debate reveals a specific and significant justice perspective. â€Å"Whether the abortion dilemma is cast as a conflict of rights or in terms of respect for human life, the claims of the fetus and of the pregnant woman are balanced or placed in opposition.† (p.233) Gilligan uses various studies in her research and writing, in order to show the relation between the ethics of care and the issue of justice. One study of particular importance in this case is the one which two medical students were cast to each report a decision not to turn in someone who has violated the school rules against drinking, and who â€Å"cast their decision in different terms. One student constructs the decision as a net of mercy, a decision to override justice in light of the fact that the violator has shown ‘the proper degrees of contrition.’† (p.234). This study

Detroit and municipal bankruptcy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Detroit and municipal bankruptcy - Research Paper Example This essay seeks to elaborate on why Detroit should pursue bankruptcy. Detroit filling of bankruptcy can follow the city’s current existing population record. According to the census record taken in 2012, Detroit hosts a population of around 700,000 residents. This number stipulates that the city stand among the highest populated cities in the state of Michigan (Rattner 15). The high population implies that the city requires relatively higher resources compared to other cities to sustain the residents within the area. Filling for bankruptcy suffices as a good course because it enables the city to maximize on the available resources from tax exemption policies within the enacted act’s provision. The unemployment rate in Detroit has elevated to significantly alarming records. Since the year 2000, the unemployment rates have changed tremendously. The high unemployment rate is evident around the metropolitan areas where it has risen by over 10% of the national average. Unemployment rate factor is directly inversed to other factors like the homicide rates within the city considering that Detroit has the highest homicide rate and is among the most dangerous cities in the United States of America. The judicial state within the city raises the significance of filing for bankruptcy. In the year 2014, only 8.5% of cases commenced were solved. This number compared to the 30.5% of the cases solved nationwide indicating that the judicial system requires redress. The security system in Detroit also begs for the filling of bankruptcy. In Detroit city, the response to the police calls averages 56 minutes compared to the 11 minutes nationwide. The faulty security and policing system in Detroit are attributive to the lack of resources. The fire trucks and police trucks conditions neglect is evident in that they are old and cannot work efficiently. Nevertheless, just like other

Projections of Body Shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Projections of Body Shop - Essay Example Income Statement 2002(GBP) 2002(% sales) 2003(GBP) 2003(% sales) 2004(GBP) 2004(% Sales) Turnover 413.1 100 428.5 100 442.6 100 Cost of Sales 158.3 39 168.1 39.2 182.3 39.2 Gross Profit 254.8 61 260.4 60.3 260.3 58.8 Operating Expenses excluding exceptional costs 209.3 45.4 228.1 46.1 239.7 42.3 exceptional costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 restructuring costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net interest expense 0.9 0 1.8 1.5 2.3 1.9 Profit Before Tax 4.1 5.3 16.44 4.1 15.5 2.9 Tax Expense 10 4.2 7.8 5.7 2.1 0.88 Profit(loss) after tax 2.1 3.8 13.2 7.1 6.1 3.7 Ordinary dividends 14 5 18 4.1 11 4.1 Profit ( loss retained) 19 4.7 8.1 7.4 3.2 4.1 Income Statement 2005(GBP) 2005(% sales) 2006(GBP) 2006(% sales) Turnover 479.2 100 502.8 100 Cost of Sales 208.1 43 238.6 47.45 Gross Profit 271.1 57 264.2 52.65 Operating Expenses excluding exceptional costs 242.1 47.1 267.2 50.3 exceptional costs 0 0 0 0 restructuring costs 0 0 0 0 Net interest expense 1.1 0 0 1.8 Profit Before Tax 2.9 3.1 7.3 9.2 Tax Expense 2.7 3.1 19.1 10.7 Profit(loss) after tax 5.1 6.2 9.8 7.1 Ordinary dividends 7.3 6.8 9.9 5.1 Profit ( loss retained) 14.1 9.1 6.2 8.2 A brief analysis of the historical data reveals that Financially The Body Shop is on a sound footing financially and was so until the purchase by L'Oreal. There is a healthy growth in the Turnover averaging around 8%. The cost of sales rarely exceed 40% leaving a fairly healthy margin to work with. That margin is again reflected in the fact that the gross profit is consistently around the 60% mark. And except during a couple of years where there were exceptional costs and restructuring costs , there is a healthy profit before tax. Hence the decision to delist body Shop ( an automatic event on... Body Shop is in a unique position of not having to market itself in the conventional sense because of it’s strong customer base. It has a strong following   of loyal customers , because among others , it’s percieved social values. The political issues which it has attached itself include being 100% vegetarian and not use animal testing. Using Environmentally Friendly products and champion other social causes like AIDS. Even Anita Roddick , on her deathbed ( she died recently of Hepatitis C) was actively campaigning   A recent stockholder survey   revealed what the stock holders think.   Some of the responses were â€Å"The way that the Body Shop strives to produce open, honest and fair annual report and accounts and interim reports, and manages to send them out to shareholders reasonably promptly.† â€Å"Would not like the Body Shop to stop its social audit. In fact would like more info in audit.†Ã‚   â€Å"Asking for opinions, such as this.† â€Å"The format of the Annual Report.† â€Å"Keep the campaigning and values but improve the marketing. No more paperwork than at present.†Ã‚   â€Å"Thank you for not producing huge, glossy reports – a waste of paper and always a sign of desperation†In other words the group of people who are Body shop shareholders are from the same set of people who are it’s customers. It has a unique market which is very strong.The weaknesses which maybe exposed now , because of the the purchase of the Company by Loreal is that all key decisions and strategy were centered around Anita and Gordon Roddick.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead Essay

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead to higher ethical standards - Essay Example According to Milton Friedman, â€Å"There is one and only one responsibility of business- to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game†. Therefore, it clearly says that increased regulations will result in higher ethical standards. However, on the other hand, Albert Camus says that ‘Integrity has no need of rules’ which reflects that it is up to the organization to become more ethical then the regulations. The relationship between regulation and ethical standards is not as easy as it looks. Increasing regulations may or may not lead to increase in ethical standards. If it would have been the case then companies to maintain the conduct of its employees ethically sound would have been competing on number of regulations than their effectiveness. This essay will explore and analyse the view that increased regulation does not lead to increase in the ethical standards. On developing the g eneral argument, this essay will also attempt to develop support from variation in accounting and auditing treatments with level of compliance to financial regulation and ethical standard. ... Concerns regarding the ethical conduct of business have gained increased attention since recent past, when corporate scandals, mainly Enron scandal, were unveiled and it resulted in huge fines, reputational loss and even jail sentences (BBC News, 2002). It proved to be the earthquake in trust of stakeholders on the validity of information presented by firms and increased distrust about the accounting practices worldwide (Enderle, 2004). The question was posed to entire mechanism that remained incapable of indentifying the deceiving accounting practices were given least or no punishments (Enderle, 2004). In the mentioned case, it was desirable to correct the existing regulation with focus to eliminate the flaws. This exercise presumably was expected to have more constructive results. The role of auditors in particular became a question mark after this scandal. Moreover on adoption of the corrective measures, the impact of current financial crises was also expected to have been mitigat ed to some extent (Argandona, 2012).Contrary to this and without taking lessons from Enron case, increased regulations were imposed on businesses. Increased regulation provided more options to business professionals than ever to use various shades to protect businesses - in both fair and unfair ways. As a result, the newer shock in form of economic downturn took high intensity wave and pushed the entire economy to the verge of survival. Ethics appear to be a relative term being adjusted in relation with the domain in which it is being discussed. Here comes the biggest dilemma of ethics. Since there is no separation of boundaries, it gets easier to develop

NOGO Railroad Case Analysys Form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

NOGO Railroad Case Analysys Form - Essay Example Dave is wary of Allen’s intentions and is torn between making the required changes and not making those changes. However, the situation is not new to NOGO Railways as it has struggled with the same issues (highlighted later) since its inception. It is only that Dave has now been promoted to such a position where he must address the problems encountered. 2. Problem NOGO Railways faces a myriad of problems which can best be separated as surface-level problems and deeper or micro problems. At the macro level, the company faces an outdated and ill designed system of organizational policies and practices, thereby reflecting a poor HR system. This is the backbone of all other problems such as high debt and resistance to change. Owing to faulty (and biased) recruitment practices, productivity has been low and unnecessary positions have been created for the sake of compensating family and relatives. One such example is that of Fireman’s position whose only task was to take char ge of the engine in the event of assistance required by the engineer (Brown). The major problems facing Dave (and the company) are that employee expenses have been on a rise and that there was friction amongst NOGO’s employees with respect to change management. Next, it is important to analyze the micro level issues that NOGO is faced with. One of these is featherbedding which is defined as the practice of restricting output of work so as to create more jobs and reduce the chances of unemployment. Another problem pertained to the absence of a formal, structured recruitment process that objectively selected candidates with the right ‘fit’ for the job. These faulty hiring procedures gave way to favoritism. This meant that employees whom Dave worked with were related to each other in some way as spouses, children, brothers or cousins. This practice tends to create a disconnected workforce with ties based on their relations and not work. 3. Causes The presence of a u nionized workforce meant that the union acted as a resistance to any changes implemented by the management. This was clearly causing resistance to change which was one of the macro-level problems confronting NOGO. The union terms were guaranteeing complacency and minimizing worker efficiency owing to a contract that workers would get pay for 40 hours of work even if there was no availability of such work (Brown). These contract terms (as settled by the unions) meant that NOGO was covering the living expenses of their away-from-home, overtime employees as well as duplication of tasks such that clerks would have no task to carry out in the presence of telegraph operators. Furthermore, the union as well as improperly crafted contracts provided workers unnecessary cushion of refusing to do a task just because it wasn’t part of their job description. This was directly contributing to the high employee expenses which, again, was one of the major problems facing NOGO. Furthermore, t he lack of HR planning and strategy was at the backbone of a host of problems encountered by the company. For one thing, the lack of HR planning led to overstaffing leading to greater number of employees being hired than was necessary. This bred â€Å"featherbedding†. The employee contract was not designed appropriately with conditions such as prohibition of women clerks to work directly with train and radio communication personnel reducing the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead Essay

Discuss the view that increased regulation will not necessarily lead to higher ethical standards - Essay Example According to Milton Friedman, â€Å"There is one and only one responsibility of business- to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game†. Therefore, it clearly says that increased regulations will result in higher ethical standards. However, on the other hand, Albert Camus says that ‘Integrity has no need of rules’ which reflects that it is up to the organization to become more ethical then the regulations. The relationship between regulation and ethical standards is not as easy as it looks. Increasing regulations may or may not lead to increase in ethical standards. If it would have been the case then companies to maintain the conduct of its employees ethically sound would have been competing on number of regulations than their effectiveness. This essay will explore and analyse the view that increased regulation does not lead to increase in the ethical standards. On developing the g eneral argument, this essay will also attempt to develop support from variation in accounting and auditing treatments with level of compliance to financial regulation and ethical standard. ... Concerns regarding the ethical conduct of business have gained increased attention since recent past, when corporate scandals, mainly Enron scandal, were unveiled and it resulted in huge fines, reputational loss and even jail sentences (BBC News, 2002). It proved to be the earthquake in trust of stakeholders on the validity of information presented by firms and increased distrust about the accounting practices worldwide (Enderle, 2004). The question was posed to entire mechanism that remained incapable of indentifying the deceiving accounting practices were given least or no punishments (Enderle, 2004). In the mentioned case, it was desirable to correct the existing regulation with focus to eliminate the flaws. This exercise presumably was expected to have more constructive results. The role of auditors in particular became a question mark after this scandal. Moreover on adoption of the corrective measures, the impact of current financial crises was also expected to have been mitigat ed to some extent (Argandona, 2012).Contrary to this and without taking lessons from Enron case, increased regulations were imposed on businesses. Increased regulation provided more options to business professionals than ever to use various shades to protect businesses - in both fair and unfair ways. As a result, the newer shock in form of economic downturn took high intensity wave and pushed the entire economy to the verge of survival. Ethics appear to be a relative term being adjusted in relation with the domain in which it is being discussed. Here comes the biggest dilemma of ethics. Since there is no separation of boundaries, it gets easier to develop

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Catholic Bishops Essay Example for Free

The Catholic Bishops Essay Evangelisation in England and Wales is a report written by Philip Knights and Andrea Murray for the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales published in 2002. Knights is a member of the Catholic Missionary Society. Murray teaches at Ushaw College, Durham. The bishops commissioned the report to assist the Church’s evangelisation efforts in the new century, aware that congregations were declining in size and that members were growing older. The report consists of eight chapters and 172 pages of text. There is also a foreword by Crispian Hollis, bishop of Portsmouth and Chairman of the Mission and Unity department of the Bishops Conference. The â€Å"Introduction† (7-10) describes how the research was conducted. A section follows this on â€Å"Theological Background† (11-55). Section three continues theological reflection with an exploration of the concept of â€Å"Missio Dei† (56-67). Section four discusses the contexts in which evangelisation takes place (68-79) then section five describes the â€Å"Framework of Analysis† (80-84), leading into the presentation of data in section six (85-132). Section seven, on â€Å"locations of evangelisation† (133-156) begins to suggest â€Å"some possibilities for evangelisation† while the final section offers â€Å"some recommendations† (157-169). The research behind the report included reviewing theological material on evangelisation including Church â€Å"documents and statements†, participant observation, interview and use of a questionnaire (7). The questionnaire was sent to several constituencies. These were Catholic parishes, priests, seminarians, bishops and diocesan officials. The largest constituency was the first, since more than four million people belong to Catholic parishes. The authors’ describe â€Å"Participation and Sample Size† in an Appendix, commenting that in order to ensure at least 1,000 responses from parishes, 5,000 questionnaires were distributed in 1250 â€Å"randomly chosen Catholic parishes† (171). 23% of these were returned. 1250 priests were sent questionnaires, of who 36% responded. 55% of bishops and officials responded of the 120 who received questionnaires. A 44% response rate came from seminarians. Pilot surveys tested drafts of the data-collecting instrument before the final version was distributed. All sections draw on the results of the social science type research and quotes from respondents are used throughout, placed in text-boxes. Section begins by defining the meaning of the term â€Å"evangelisation†, commenting that Catholics prefer this to the word â€Å"evangelism† which is widely used by Protestants. The Catholic Church has preferred the term â€Å"evanglisation† since the 1970s (29). The term â€Å"mission† has receded in usage, in the main due to colonial connotations (30). â€Å"Evangelism† tends to be associated mainly with personal or individual transformation: evangelisation has â€Å"a greater sense of the cosmic† (30). On the one hand, the terms †evangelism† and â€Å"evangelisation† can be used interchangeably (20). On the other, evangelism is more commonly associated with presenting the Gospel to â€Å"those who are not Christians† (12) often verbally, while â€Å"evangelisation† has a broader scope. Indicating that as many as 79 definitions of evangelisation are available, the authors offer their own definition, emphasizing that â€Å"evangelisation† includes living the Good News as well as proclaiming it. Evangelisation does not end when people become Christian but continues in formation and renewal of existing Christians and of converts and in transforming the whole of humanity and the world so that God’s kingdom of â€Å"love, peace and justice† become a reality (14). This broad definition of evangelisation challenges the tendency, noted by the authors, to limit its scope to trying to persuade non-believers to believe. The authors stress that evangelisation is God’s work, not an human work. God’s presence may be found in â€Å"unexpected places† (16) and the Church must not be regarded as having an exclusive claim on God’s presence or on God’s actions. As well as bringing new members into the Church, evangelisation also seeks to make less active members more active, to win back those who have left the church and to develop the life of parishes (18). Evangelisation, too, has a special concern for people on the margins, whether due to poverty, social circumstances or other reasons (16). Pages 23-29 trace the derivation of the word â€Å"evangelisation† from the Biblical word for Good News, or Gospel. Taking the Good News into all the world, the authors say, which Jesus entrusted to the apostles and they entrusted to the Church, involves more than winning converts. It has to do with manifesting God’s love in the world (28), establishing loving communities by deeds as well as by word. Throughout, the authors are eager to stress that evangelisation is the task of all Christians, not of a chosen few or of priests and religious only. Those who have been evangelized must become evangelizers (48). People’s gifts vary but all have a part to play. Building on their biblical research, the authors use three terms to indicate what might be understood as stages of the evangelisation process, kerygma (proclamation), koinonia (fellowship) and diakonia (service) which â€Å"cooperate in the task of arousing and fostering a living faith† (33). The author’s also link â€Å"evangelisation† and Trinity, arguing that it is not so much the Church that â€Å"does† evangelisation but that â€Å"evaneglisation happens to the Church† (36) which is â€Å"rooted in the Divine Communion of the Trinity† (46). There is a need to avoid the temptation to limit the scope and meaning of â€Å"evangelisation† to â€Å"any single activity† (36). The social circumstances of the twenty-first century, that is, a society of mainly unchurched people with Britain as one of the least religious countries in the world (70) demands new methods of evangelisation, new â€Å"means of communication†. The section on â€Å"Mission Dei† builds on the theological reflection by locating everything that the Church does within the â€Å"activity of the Triune God† (56). Mission is God’s work. Mission aims to â€Å"gather all things† to God through Christ and the Holy Spirit is the main agent of mission. The Spirit is not confined to the Church but is present in the world and active â€Å"in all people† including those of other faiths (61; 71). The term â€Å"mission dei† is popular with Evangelical as well as with Catholic thinkers. Again, personal responsibility for mission is stressed: because we have been transformed, â€Å"we must transform the world† (58). The aim of mission is not to preserve the Church but to establish the conditions required for God’s kingdom to dawn (62). God’s kingdom is intended for all humanity (63). The Church, however, is also central to the work of mission, the â€Å"primary participant in the mission dei† (64) because it anticipates the Kingdom (66). The Church is, the authors say, â€Å"a sacrament of the communion with God and unity among all peoples that we recognize as the kingdom of God† (66). Discussing the context of evangelisation, the authors argue that the Church needs to consider the â€Å"context† in which the people she seeks to address are located. The Church must have an intimate knowledge of society and be aware of social changes, both those that can be affirmed and those that should be â€Å"challenged and resisted† (69). Evangelisation reaches out to people in specific social, political and economic contexts. Membership of and participation in religious communities has seriously declined and younger people especially tend to have no â€Å"religious adherence† (70). Others are committed members of other faiths and of other Christian churches. Such people are to be respected. Cooperation rather than competition with â€Å"ecumenical partners† is to be preferred (71). Historically British Catholics have seen themselves as outside the mainstream of religious life and have adopted a â€Å"fortress mentality† (72). This has declined and Catholics are now better placed to engage in constructive Dialogue with thir â€Å"neighbours in Civil Society†. Decline in priestly vocations, too, impacts evangelisation, resulting in a need to reorganize parishes and to spread fewer resources more widely (73). Discussing contemporary culture, the authors argue that the trend towards fragmentation and individualism presents challenges. The post-modern idea that â€Å"great stories† and â€Å"meta-narratives† are not to be trusted challenges the Gospel, which is regarded as the definitive all comprehensive narrative. Institutions, organized religion, authority figures such as priests and bishops are distrusted as people pick and mix more freely. The Catholic Church is perceived to be out of step with some social trends, such as lifestyle choices but also on the role of women. Increasingly empowered in the wider society, the place of women in the Church appears to â€Å"lag behind† (76). Again, the authors highlight that the poor and marginalized have a special claim on the Gospel. Here, they refer to the ecumenical programme Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation as having particular resonance with the concerns of the age. Lobbying on issues of economic justice, environmental health are all aspects of evangelisation perceived as kingdom-building. British Catholics can help globally as well as more locally to deal with such issues as relieving the debt-burden of developing nations and with issues related to asylum seekers and refugees. Section five, on the â€Å"framework of analysis† is a brief explanation of how the social science research data was analyzed, as presented in the next section. In analyzing the data, the authors â€Å"found two frameworks helpful†. These are derived from the literary research summarized in preceding chapters. The frameworks are described as the â€Å"triangle† of â€Å"kerygma, koinonia and diakonia† and as â€Å"parish vitality†. The authors suggest that Catholics are weak at initial proclamation, that is, at attracting converts and traditionally stronger at fostering faith and serving society. Vital Parishes would function as places of â€Å"witness† of â€Å"welcome†, of â€Å"catechesis† and of â€Å"growth† whereas at present the former tends to be carried out elsewhere, such as through small-groups or special initiatives.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse English Language Essay

The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse English Language Essay George Barna, who directed a divorce study, noted that Americans have grown comfortable with divorce as a natural part of life. There no longer seems to be much of a stigma attached to divorce; it is now seen as an unavoidable rite of passage, the researcher indicated. Interviews with young adults suggest that they want their initial marriage to last, but are not particularly optimistic about that possibility. There is also evidence that many young people are moving toward embracing the idea of serial marriage, in which a person gets married two or three times, seeking a different partner for each phase of their adult life. People marry today with an exit strategy in place. Consider the following statistics concerning prenuptial agreements: 73% of divorce attorneys cited an increase in prenuptial agreements during the past five years 52% have noted an increase in women initiating the requests, while 36% of those surveyed cited a rise in pension and retirement benefits being included under prenuptial agreements. People are quickly losing confidence in the marital covenant and making preparation for the failure of the relationship with an exit strategy. Some people have actually considered the same sex as an alternative to heterosexual relationship. But not only are heterosexual relationship complex, people who are choosing the gay and lesbian lifestyles have challenges of their own. Consider the following: Homosexual Relationships Homosexual activists often argue that high divorce rates demonstrate traditional marriages fare no better than same-sex relationships in duration. The research, however, indicates that male homosexual relationships last only a fraction of the length of most marriages. A Canadian study of homosexual men, who had been in committed relationships lasting longer than one year, found that only 25 percent of those interviewed reported being monogamous. In one study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to 37 years, only seven couples had a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all had been together for less than five years. In their classic 1978 study, published as Homosexuality: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, researchers Bell and Weinberg found that 43% percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28% percent having one thousand or more sex partners. In 1991, the Journal of Social Service Research published a survey of 1,099 lesbians in which slightly more than half of the lesbians said they had been abused by a female lover/partner. A survey sponsored by the National Institute of Justice found that same-sex couples reported significantly more violence from their partners than did traditional couples. Noted the report, Thirty-nine percent of the same-sex cohabitants reported being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by a marital/cohabitating partner at some time in their lifetimes. Not only are people considering same sex relationships as an alternative to traditional marriages and its problems, they are now entering into test drive marriages. This was traditionally called shacking and was negative, but many today believe that if they can enter into this type of arrangement as a trial, then they can see if they can make it as a couple. Lets consider these statistics: Living Together before Marriage Statistics Statistically speaking, living together is not a trial of marriage, but rather a training for divorce (from Michael McManus, author of the book Marriage Savers). The number of unmarried couples living together soared 12-fold from 430,000 in 1960 to 5.4 million in 2005. More than eight out of ten couples, who live together, will break up either before the wedding or afterwards in divorce. About 45 percent, of those who begin cohabiting, do not marry. Another 5-10 percent continue living together and do not marry. Couples, who do marry after living together, are 50% more likely to divorce than those who did not. Only 12% of couples, who have begun their relationship with cohabitation, end up with a marriage lasting 10 years or more. A Penn State study reports that even a months cohabitation decreases the quality of the couples relationship. The reality is divorce is inevitable if we dont make some drastic changes in how we approach relationships from a healthy perspective! Even after we have experienced what marriage is all about and re-enter into a marital relationship, the statistics get worse. Consider the following research: Divorce Among Adults Who Have Been Married (Base: 3792 adults) Population Segment Have Been Divorced No. of Interviews All adults 33% 3792 Evangelical Christians 26% 339 Non-evangelical born again Christians 33% 1373 Notional Christians 33% 1488 Associated with non-Christian faith 38% 197 Atheist or agnostic 30% 269 All born again Christians 32% 1712 All who were not born again Christians 33% 2080 Protestant 34% 1997 Catholic 28% 875 Upscale 22% 450 Downscale 39% 367 White 32% 2641 African-American 36% 464 Hispanic 31% 458 Asian 20% 128 Conservative 28% 1343 Moderate 33% 1720 Liberal 37% 474 (Source: The Barna Group, Ventura, CA) Reflections on Marriage and Divorce As you can tell, marriage is having a very difficult time, and people are opting out at alarming rates. Forgiveness, humility, conflict resolution, and communication are fundamental factors in making relationships work. The emotions of anger, violence, and fear kill all relationships. However, people are leaning towards the lower level emotions and ultimately divorcing. How is this happening? How is there such a thin line between love and hate? Of course, I could state the obvious that we have discussed in previous chapters from the impact of intoxicating dating to the lack of understanding of gender issues. The attitudinal king in an unhealthy relationship is pride, not humility; thus, forgiveness is impossible. And we cannot forget the absence of a marital skill set for conflict resolution and communication skills. These things are not as apparent and as obvious as they may seem. Divorce takes place over time, and most times unconsciously, and the lack of the above-mentioned factor s simply accent the complexities of one of the most difficult relationships on the planet. The following is some data that provides some additional factors that increase the probabilities of divorce. 6 Factors That Characterize Couples Who Are Prone to Divorce Backgrounds of the two partners are too different. Family of at least one member of the couple has divorce in their history. Couple was acquainted a short period before they were married. Couple has always had opposing views of the roles of men and women in relationships. Family and friends disapprove of the marriage. Couple has no formal membership in a religious group. Exercise: Are you closely familiar with any couples who have divorced recently or who are considering divorce (or if you have considered divorce, use your own relational situation)? If so, which of the above characteristics are present in their relationship? How do you feel their relationship has been adversely affected by these characteristics? How does a couple goes through the process of being in love to being in hate, or strong dislike? This is not a one-day decision, but is the result of a progression of negative behavior and practices over time. According to John Gottman, the four attitudes that most predict the dissolution of a relationship, especially in combination, are criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. Dr. John Gottman, is a psychologist at the University of Washington conducted a study with more than 2,000 married couples over two decades. Prior to this study, the school of behavioral science had a void concerning marriage data. He discovered patterns about how partners relate to each other, which can be used to predict with 94% accuracy which marriages will succeed and which will fail. Gottman refers to these four damaging attitudes as the four horseman of the apocalypse, and states that each horseman paves the way for the next. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are destructive relational conflict patterns. The four stages are listed in order of progression that will work its way up to the apex of marital conflict and divorce. The first horseman is Criticism. You become critical of one another. There is a difference between a criticism and a complaint. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction (I feel hurt). A criticism is an attack on the other persons personality, character ,or motivation (You hurt me) with the intent of making someone right or wrong. In this stage of the relationship negative generalizations are made, like You always You neverà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ You are the kind of person whoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Why are you soà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦? The second horseman is Contempt. Disrespect rules. Name-calling begins, and you begin to categorize each other negatively. This is the attack of your spouses sense of self with the intention of causing emotional pain. This stage is marked by derogatory name-calling, like ugly, fat, stupid, etc. Also, it is marked by hostile humor and sarcasm or mockery. Negative body language is common in this stage of conflict. The third horseman is Defensiveness. Every time you talk, you are defensive. Every time something is said, each partner is trying to find the others angle. This stage is marked by seeing yourself as the victim, trying to protect yourself from perceived attacks. This stage is marked by excuses for behavior, claiming that external factors caused you to have to react that way. This stage is a cross-complaining stage, where a partners complaint is met with a complaint of your own while ignoring your partners complaint. Thus conflict is characterized by: disagreeing and then cross-complaining Thats not true, youre the one who; yes-butting, starting off in agreement but then disagreement; repeating yourself without paying attention to what the other person is saying. It is the nadir of a lack of communication. The fourth horseman is Stonewalling. You begin to cast the persons identity and behavior in stone and are unable to see the person outside of this identity. As a result, the person develops a need to enter into autonomy (feels the need to get away and distance him/herself from the relationship), which leads to an unfulfilled marriage, which in turn, leads to divorce. This stage involves withdrawing from the relationship to avoid conflict. Partners may think that they are attempting to be neutral, but stonewalling conveys disapproval and rejection. Stonewalling produces a coldness, distance, disconnection, and smugness. People tend to be callously silent, muttering, changing the subject, and removing themselves physically. Exercise: Describe which horseman has entered the following situation? Comment on this interaction between husband and wife. Adrienne: I need you to understand me. I feel that all we do is argue and fight, and we never work anything out. I love you, and I just want to be happy and to live in peace. Vernell: Understand you? You dont really feel that way! Youre just saying that trying to get some sympathy out of me. You think that using those flowery words is going to get me to change my mind? Theyre not! Adrian: Im not just saying things Im speaking from my heart. I love you and everything about you. You eyes, your mouth, your hairà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Vernell: My hair? Now I know that youre just trying to get something out of me. I cant believe a word that you say! Just come out and say what you want, because I know that you want something! You must go on the attack against these four horsemen before your marriage reaches the point of no return and dies a natural death. Now is the time to access the many tools and methods that you have learned in this book. Ask yourself, Do I really want this marriage? Is it worth fighting for? You must be intentional about taking immediate steps to counter the carnage being wrought by the four horsemen. For example, make specific complaints and requests (when X happened, I felt Y, I want Z) and avoid criticism at all cost. Make a decision to listen generously. Listen for accuracy, for the core emotions your partner is expressing and for what your partner really wants. Listen to the voice behind the words; there lays the sincere truth. In addition, you must heed and practice the following: Validate your partner (let your partner know what makes sense to you about what they are saying; let them know you understand what they are feeling, and what they want; see through their eyes) Shift to appreciation (five positive interactions are necessary to compensate for one negative interaction) Be very intentional about creating good feelings and experiences. Be responsible: What can I learn from this? and What can I do about it? and How do I not allow this to happen again? Rewrite your inner script (notice when you are thinking critical, contemptuous or defensive thoughts; replace thoughts of righteous indignation or innocent victimization with thoughts of appreciation and responsibility that are soothing and validating). Practice getting vulnerable again (allow your partners utterances to be what they really are: just thoughts and puffs of air) and let go of the stories that you are making up. In essence, you must stop interpreting and hearing in offense. Watch all name-calling, use words that edify, not denigrate. If you have found your marriage has allowed the four horsemen to invade it, you must reverse it before they prevail. Start where you are whether it be defensiveness, stonewalling, criticism, or contempt. Begin reversing the horsemen and put them out of the relationship. You can turn it around! Begin by studying the behavior of each stage; since they are progressive stages, start practicing opposite behavior in each stage. Read this segment with your spouse and discuss each stage and the behavior and ask for forgiveness for the improper behavior and asked them to pray with you as you attempt to reverse this behavior. Start creating good feelings and do things that make each other smile.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on Internet Privacy - Ethical Issues Raised by Privacy Service Pr

Ethical Issues Raised by Privacy Service Providers      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract:   This paper examines the use of Internet technologies (specifically to counteract invasions of personal privacy and censorship.   The paper begins by exploring the methods by which governments, corporations, and commercial agents invade personal privacy.   It also discusses Internet censorship on the corporate and governmental levels.   It then proceeds to discuss, a technology that allows Internet users to surf the Web privately and view censored content.   The paper finishes by exploring some of the ethical issues raised by Internet privacy and censorship in specific relation to SafeWeb, concluding that the application of SafeWeb in circumventing the authority of governments and corporations is inherently unethical.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Part of the allure of the Internet has always been the anonymity it offers its users.   As the Internet has grown however, causing capitalists and governments to enter the picture, the old rules are changing fast.   E-commerce firms employ the latest technologies to track minute details on customer behavior.   The FBI's Carnivore email-tracking system is being increasingly used to infringe on the privacy of netizens.   Corporations now monitor their employees' web and email usage.   In addition to these privacy infringements, Internet users are also having their use censored, as governments, corporations, and other institutions block access to certain sites.   However, as technology can be used to wage war on personal freedoms, it can also be employed in the fight against censorship and invasion of privacy.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Network technologies have allowed for an unprecedented invasion of persona...>. Cooper, Charles.   Saudi Arabia's Battle of the Bits.   2001.   ZDNet.   Feb. 20, 2001.   Tanaka, Jennifer.   The Secret (Server) Service.   2001.   AdWeek.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . The 20 Enemies of the Internet.   1999.   Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.   Feb 20, 2001.   . Sussman, Leonard R.   The Internet and Press Freedom 2000.   2000.   Freedom House.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . Graham, Robert.   Carnivore FAQ.   2000.   Feb. 20, 2001.   . Conrey-Miller, Andrew.   The Pros and Cons of Employee Surveillance.   2001. Feb. 20, 2001. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Distortion of Indonesian Culture :: essays research papers

I.Pendahuluan Kebudayaan,adalah sebuah pola yang terintegrasi dari pengetahuan manusia, kepercayaan, dan perilaku. Kebudayaan, dapat didefinisikan, berisi bahasa, ide-ide, kepercayaan, kebiasaan,larangan-larangan, hukum,institusi, teknik, hasil karya seni, ritual, seremoni dan komponen lainnya yang terkait. Perkembangan kebudayaan tergantung kepada kapasitas manusia untuk belajar dan menerima pengetahuan yang kemudian diwariskan kepada generasinya. [1] Dengan melihat kebudayaan, sebagai contoh kebudayaan Jepang, atau kebudayaan Barat dapat dilihat nilai-nilai yang memiliki banyak perbedaan yang dijalankan didalam kedua masyarakat yang disebutkan diatas.Kebudayaan barat membentuk masyarakat yang memiliki keterbukaan, critical thinking, dsb. Di Jepang terbentuk masyarakat yang masih menganggap nilai-nilai luhur nenek moyangnya, dan nilai kekeluargaan sebagai pegangan. Kebudayaan terbentuk melalui pola-pola hidup yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi internal dan eksternal masyarakat itu sendiri. Dalam kondisi internal, bentuk kebudayaan dipengaruhi oleh hubungan kekerabatan, seremonial, bahasa, hukum dsb. Oleh kondisi internal, kebudayaan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan geografis, dan oleh berbagai faktor, kebudayaan lain yang mempengaruhi kebudayaan tersebut. Kebudayaan yang kemudian membentuk masyarakat selanjutnya. Namun, kebudayaan tidak lantas terus-menerus sebagai panutan statis pembentuk masyarakat tetapi juga dibentuk lagi oleh masyarakat. Hal ini adalah proses kreasi-interaksi antara budaya dan masyarakat. Budaya sangat berpengaruh, budaya mencerminkan pengalaman sejarah suatu bangsa, yang tertanam dalam tradisi mereka, dan membentuk sikap dan pengharapan mereka terhadap dunia. Budaya bisa menjadi pendorong atau beban yang menghambat atau mempercepat perubahan [2] Dengan membicarakan kebudayaan di Indonesia, cukup rumit memang untuk memahami keseluruhan budaya di Indonesia; melihat Indonesia yang multietnis dan multilinguistik, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebudayaan di Indonesia sangat beraneka ragam dan rumit. Jika ditelusuri lagi, melihat kebudayaan masyarakat Indonesia, berarti kita harus melihat kembali proses sejarah perkembangan suku-bangsa di Indonesia, dari zaman perunggu, besi, zaman pra-tradisonal, zaman tradisional, pra-modern, dan akhirnya masyarakat modern kontemporer yang ada sekarang ini. Masyarakat suku-bangsa di Indonesia telah melewati banyak tahap-tahap kreasi-interaksi kebudayaan seperti yang disebut diatas tersebut. Mulai dari scope internal di antara suku-suku bangsa indonesia sendiri, maupun oleh pengaruh eksternal kebudayaan kolonial yang menjajah bangsa ini selama tiga setengah abad. Kemudian kesadaran para pemuda-pemuda lintas etnik yang menyepakati kesatuan budaya-budaya Indonesia yang beraneka-ragam dalam sumpah pemuda 28 Oktober 1928 dan mencapai puncaknya pada kemerdekaan bangsa ini sebagai suatu bangsa yang berdaulat penuh. Namun dinamika kebudayaan Indonesia tidak sampai di sini, masyarakat kontemporer Indonesia masih mempengaruhi kebudayaan Indonesia masa mendatang yang memang tetap rumit. Apa yang akan saya angkat pada essai singkat saya tentang kebudayaan Indonesia adalah sedikit dari kerumitan yang ada dalam kebudayaan Indonesia dalam interaksinya dengan masyarakat lain yang memiliki kebudayaan yang lain pula. Pada essai ini saya menanggap bahwa kebudayaan Indonesia telah sangat terdistorsi oleh kebudayaan lain yang mempengaruhi kebudayaan dasar bangsa Indonesia yang baik,seperti budaya gotong-royong, kekeluargaan dan sebagainya.